"If you think education is expensive wait until you find out what ignorance costs." Barack Obama channeling Ben Franklin

Monday, October 21, 2013

Why Is Ted "The Canadian" Cruz Telling Me That I'm Not American?

As my hypothetical teenage daughter of the 90s might say, "Ohmygawd!! Really? Like did he just say I'm not an American?"

It amazes me that a man,a Canadian citizen, no less, born in Canada to a Cuban father and an American mother, is running around Texas saying things like,"After two months in Washington, it's great to be back in America.""

Um, Ted, I've got news for you. The Beltway IS America. Every bit as much America as is Texas. And we don't even want to secede.

How dare he imply, even jokingly, that I, born and raised in the very heartland of America, who's never even stepped one foot off of American soil, who is the grandchild of 4 Americans, the child of 2 Americans, the wife of an American, the mother of 3 Americans and the grandmother of 3 Americans, is, somehow, not an American due to my current place of residence - which, as everyone but Cruz seems to know, is in America.

I'll tell you what, Ted. You don't like Washington DC? You don't think Americans live in Washington DC? You want to surround your duel-citizenship self with Texacanians, that's fine.

Don't come back.

No one really wants you here, anyhow.

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