"If you think education is expensive wait until you find out what ignorance costs." Barack Obama channeling Ben Franklin

Monday, October 21, 2013

Ken Cuccinelli for Senate!! Oops, No, Wait, That's Not Right - That's FAR RIGHT!

The Conservative Campaign Committee, formerly known as The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama, a Tea Party political committee, has, once again, jumped the shark.

In their eagerness to do their part to win lose yet another election for Republicans, they recently sent out this fund-raising email suggesting that Hillary Clinton, who's not currently running for anything, can be defeated by voting for Ken Cuccinelli of Virginia for senator.

Help Us Defeat Hillary Clinton's Political Ambitions
Today Hillary Clinton is in Virginia campaigning for Democrat Senate candidate Terry McAuliffe and opposing our Conservative Republican candidate, Ken Cuccinelli.

In fact today's campaign appearance by Hillary Clinton is part of 12 separate events Bill and Hillary Clinton have engaged in to defeat Cuccinelli and propel the Democrat's McAuliffe to the Senate.

I think it's a pretty safe prediction that they'll have even less luck defeating Terry McAuliffe for senate than they did defeating Obama for president.

In fact, I guarantee you that Ken Cuccinelli is not going to be elected to the US Senate in November.

Of course, neither is Terry - but at least he'll be the next governor of Virginia.

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